one lucky guy well sorta lucky

by stephen palmore
(richmond va.)

3 AM is good time to tackle the Washington DC belt way AKA mixing bowl has been a night mare for many years .

It is also prime time for closing time drunks so you have to be on your toes. At one time there was an UN-official order to Virginia state troopers to stay in the car and follow the drunk till they were off the beltway, so they would not get hit by another drunk passing by. Any rate you have to be on your toes .

One nice extra quiet night , A sedan pulls up beside me on cruze control. Being warry , I looked down in the car and I could see the guy driving was enjoying the company of a young lady before they got home. Well check out this , you lucky guy !!

So I pulled the air horn , ...just a good toot not a blast. Well the guy throws his hands up in the air and the car dives off to the medium.
Now good truckers are supposed to stop for an accident even if they are not involved but how would I tell my safety manager that I caused some guy to get his winky bit off cause I blew the horn?

this be the red devil , we be doing it this-a -way

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Safety NEW

You should be aware of safety insurance. As I see, you have a safety manager. That's really great, I should say. Being a businessman, I know that it's one of the key points in success.

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