No trucking jobs for felons

by Robert

How many felons are Doctors or lawyers or politicians ,or garbage men. how many?

How many men can have access to Fair Housing ?

I do not like thinking negative no one wants to be negative but if you cant live on your own and at least rent a motel efficiency whats the use of living .

The Dac office is working there asses of to dent us work

Hell I can easily steal any truck disable it remote system break it locks and steal its good very easily but for 8 years I am just seeking to work and make enough to live in a ghetto people want us to act like human. how can we when there is no full time work and pure garbage being offered like $7.25 an hour and rather blow my brains out than work and not be able to rent.

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Sep 28, 2011
by: Jeff

There are jobs for felons out there, depending on the type of felony you have. You may have to look long and hard and you may have to plan on driving for a very small company. Like those that can’t afford to be choosy, but the jobs are out there. Here is some advice; there may be potential employers reading your post, so you should pay attention to your grammar and spelling. Keep looking. Remember; Jesus died for you.

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