New TV Show About Secret Lives - Seeking to Reach Out to Truckers

by Lisa Matt
(Los Angeles, CA, USA)


I am a casting director working on a new TV show about secret lives. We want to find a person who travels for a living and has one family at home, and another relationship in another part of the country. If this person is ready to reveal their secret, we will offer financial compensation, and guidance from an experienced counselor to help the process go as smoothly as possible.

The only reason we are reaching out to truckers is because people who travel for a living face a greater opportunity to hide secrets than those who don't.

We know the vast majority of truckers live by a strong code of ethics, and the show will not paint truckers and the trucking industry in a negative light.

We simply want to tell a story about an individual finding the courage to "come clean" about his or her secrets, hopefully inspiring others to do the same.

We do not have a large budget to advertise - but we can offer a considerable finders fee to anyone whose help can lead us to the right person for our show.

If you are interested helping our search or being featured on the show, please call me to discuss more, at 323-308-2506. Or email me,

I look forward to speaking with you,

Lisa Matt

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Nov 06, 2010
Something Like Jerry Springer
by: Hervy

Lol, hi Lisa,

Good luck, I know there is a few out here. Maybe this is a wake up call for somebody who has been wanting to disclose and come clean and just couldn't bring himself to do it.

To the drivers with that secret relationship....

Here is your change to get counseling, mediation, and also witnesses to hopefully keep you safe right after confession!

Well, it's true. Anyway, on the real, I am sorry if your going through this driver and I hope you will relieve yourself of the burden of keeping it a secret and living that second life. I also hope you will not try and be cool, macho, flip the fault, etc.... instead I hope you will warn other truckers before they give in to the temptation because it might be fun at first but if you really love your spouse I KNOW it's got to end up a stress situation as you chick on the side gets more and more into the relationship.

Ok, I don't think I am supposed to do all of this right here right now.

Bye, good luck, get free

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