New to being a Truck Driver Wife and Living With In Laws

by Leanna
(Knoxville, TN)

It's good to know that I am not the only women who feels the way I do. My husband just started his new job as a truck driver a month ago.

The past few months have been so hard because, before he got this job he got laid off and we had to move from SC to TN to move in with his parents until we get back on our feet.

I have two kids, a 4 year old from a previous marriage and a 5 1/2 month old. I am having a hard time getting used to him being away. I feel like I am a single mother all over again and a grieving widow even though I still have a husband.

Its not easy living with in-laws let alone being a truck driver wife. I am so afraid of the unknown and how everything is going to pan out. I am so used to communicating with my husband about everything because he is my confidante and my soulmate.

It's hard trying to detach myself from him and being away from him. I cry myself to sleep every single night and I try not let him know. I don't wanna drive him away because I am miserable. I only get to have 15 minute conversations with him once a day and I feel like I can't inform him with all that i need to inform him about.

I love him very dearly and I am willing to sacrifice my happiness to be with him and be stuck living with the in-laws. He promises that once we are making steady paychecks we can get our own place again.

Have any of ya'll had to live with in-laws/parents and having to deal with the loneliness of being away from your husband?

How did you cope with it? I know that it will get better and I will get to the point where i can live life enjoying doing things for myself and my kids and when he comes home we can have good times too.

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Sep 22, 2012
Coping NEW
by: Anonymous

You learn to cope with it by just what your last statement said in your post! :)

"I know that it will get better and I will get to the point where i can live life enjoying doing things for myself and my kids and when he comes home we can have good times too".

Keep it positive!
Good Luck. :)

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