New Driver

by Kevin Gul
(Columbus, OH)

I recently graduated from Truck Driving school. When I started applying with Trucking Companies my application was denied due to a Physical Control under the influence on my MVR. This is basically a bargained lesser charge for a DUI.

That's the only record I have on my license and I never had any other misdemeanor or criminal on my record.

Is there any trucking company that will hire me as a new CDL holder fresh out of Driving School?
Thank You for your help.


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Jan 02, 2015
Still a Chance
by: Hervy

There are companies that will hire you. Once that charge is 5 years old. More will be on board to give you a chance.

However, you may want to call around to a lot of trucking companies before you pay for CDL. It will help you make an informed decision that you won't regret afterwards.

I didn't say it will be easy. I don't know if it willbe. I actually don't know what a Physical Control charge is other than you explaining it was a plea. Therefor I don't know how they will weigh it. If it was 1 DUI, I know you could get hired so I just believe that with the charge you stated you can get hired as well.

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