New driver looking for information on company

by Dan Shepard
(Phoenix, AZ)

First let me say thank you. I know you dont know me, but I feel like I know you. I really appreciate your efforts for us new drivers.

I am getting ready to graduate driving school and thinking about working for Werner Enterprises. I would like to know if you have any information about Werner as a starter company or possibly long term company.

Thank you for your help.

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Aug 24, 2011
Do your research
by: Jim

I went with another large company (they have orange trucks) and love driving for them. I also checked into Werner and they seemed OK. Best advice I can give you, and this is what I did, go to your local truck stop and strike up some conversations with truckers from different companies. Their real opinions about a company really come out after a day of driving! This is how I ended up where I am and I don't regret it one bit.

Good Luck

Sep 27, 2010
beware new driver
by: Anonymous

I worked for werner after I got out of Roadmaster. I thought I had a great career but to my surprise I was wrong. I worked for one year and was lucky to bring home $500 a week. Not to mention I never got home on time when they promised me. I even sat in North carolina with a truck full of merchandise for 5 days waiting for the truck to get fixed. I now drive for a different company and actually get home on time.

Sep 27, 2010
beware new driver
by: Anonymous

I worked for werner after I got out of Roadmaster. I thought I had a great career but to my surprise I was wrong. I worked for one year and was lucky to bring home $500 a week. Not to mention I never got home on time when they promised me. I even sat in North carolina with a truck full of merchandise for 5 days waiting for the truck to get fixed. I now drive for a different company and actually get home on time.

Sep 20, 2010
Werner ? ? ?
by: Jimmy

Werner is a well established trucking company, since the 50's I believe. However, the turnover is big, as is any big trucking company. Just go with the flow and be flexable and get some wheel time. Good luck.....Jimmy

Sep 20, 2010
Thanks Dennis
by: Anonymous

Thanks Dennis for sharing. They sure do not pay much to go out with a trainer, $350 per week, and have to be out until you get 275 hrs of driving. After that they are starting at 30 cpm. Which does not sound bad for a newbie. I am gun shy to do anything for short term and then get nailed on my DAC. Why do you avoid big companies? Do you think Ma and Pa companies are better and why?

Sep 20, 2010
New driver looking for information on company
by: Dennis Shipman

Werner has been around since I started driving OTR in the early 90s. So, they are not a fly by night operations. Although I generally avoid the large comanies like the plague, for a newly minted gold card, it may be your best bet to go out with one of their "trainers" for a few weeks to see how you like it. Goggle 'em also. Although I have not heard anything personally about the comany, have been out here a long time, it does not mean a thing. I know they started paperless logs years before it was even heard of in the industry. I suspect with the advent of Gobal Positioning Satellite (GPS), it will become the industry standard in a minute, which means the company is on the forefront of innovation. Could be a good or bad thing for you. Best of luck. 10-4?

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