My life is the road and I love it. Solo Always

by C.W. Miles
(Killeen, Texas)

I don't run teams, I don't carry a dog and I don't do drugs. I've been a Bull Hauler for 25 years and I do it because I don't care much for people. I tolerate them, long enough to get my cows and get down the road. I hate it when I hear a trucker, say he doesn't have a life.

My life is the road and I love it. My memories are of a thousand glorious sunrises and sunsets, and pitch black nights and black coffee. The time I have spent in the cab of a truck, has brought me closer to my Lord and savior, than any church.

Its kept me fed,clothed and helped me buy a house and that's all I want.

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Feb 28, 2015
good for you
by: Anonymous

I am.solo driver also. Its ashame more people cant be content with themselves. I love the lord and see it as you do. The older I get the more happy I become along. If I had to do it all over again I would have had less people in my life over the years.

There is nothing like the animals if more people studied them the world would be a nicer place. Amen to you and dont try to explain it to.them. they get it or they dont. Nothing closer to God than the country life and the amazing grace of a herd of livestock. God bless and stay safe.

P.S. glad you feel that you dont have to have someone take care of you because you want to lay down and get old. Thats their misfortune

Jul 07, 2014
Increasing your love for the road
by: Hervy

C.W. it's awesome that you found the type of career that suits your personality. Love the fact that you are happy.

I challenge you to challenge yourself from time to time. Say once a week (or something like that) to actually hold a few conversations with drivers or others during the day.

I guarantee, you will be surprised at how interesting people are and how many times you enjoy the talk.

Think about this too....There are people out there who feel similar to the way you do. Guess what, that makes you and that type of person compatible for conversation and though you don't care to interact with others all that much interacting with another person who feels the same way might be the ideal person to connect with.

So why am I even trying to get you to experiment or venture out you might ask. Well, humans were not meant to live a totally isolated life. Even when we don't realize it, having encounters and even more so, relationships with others (even brief) that we relate to enhance our lives.

Building a network of people that understand you will also not only increase your enjoyment in life but enhance your spiritual growth.

I believe it is supposed to be part of the journey. Consider taking the challenge my friend.

People are amazing and interesting! Especially people in the trucking industry.

Jul 06, 2014
by: Anonymous

That's probably the most selfish thing I've ever heard in my entire life but hey, it's ur life to live. Keep in mind that when ur old and bed riddened those oxen won't be there for u. good luck, safe travels, and God's speed.

Jul 06, 2014
10-4 Driver....
by: Anonymous

Amen brother..If it make you content there is nothing wrong with it.I also enjoy solo...but have to see the family ever other week.Drive save driver.

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