Mikey shelter dog in Mount Sterling needs transport to MN

by Kim
(Mound, MN)

Hi Truckers, I think a lot of you are animal lovers. I really want to save Mikey from the Montgomery County Animal Shelter.

He is paid for and gets vetted July 12 and then is available He is 3 years old and 25lbs. Very timid because he has suffered a lot of trauma. But I can give him a wonderful forever life... if I could just get him here.

I can only offer 150 as compensation - but know you would be saving a life since this is a high kill shelter.

If there is a dog lover out there that passes through that area could you please help Mikey get to his new home.

My name is Kim. I live in Mound, MN 651-503- 9467 or minnetonkawakeheads@gmail.com

I am having to get creative in my search for transport because the animal transport volunteers have an extreme amount of requests.

Help save Mikey pls.

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