lots of kids

by Aralia

Just curious, why does it seems that so many truckers (men) have lots of children? My husband is a trucker and its just something we've observed in our area.


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Jan 16, 2014
Interesting! NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband is a truck driver & we only have 1 child. His childhood friend is also a truck driver & only has 2 children. And only if you are an owner/operator does a truck driver make the big bucks! My husband is not an owner/operator but just an employee of a trucking company & trust me his monthly income would never support a bunch of kids!!!!

Dec 06, 2013
Interesting Question NEW
by: Hervy

Don't know how you would find a factual answer to that.

Here are some thoughts. First 13 years of driving and I have no kids.

Let's move on...

1. Because a guy has so many kids, he may have become a trucker to support them

2. Because he feels he can support them he may have decided to have many

(chicken and egg)

Also, I am the only guy out of my 8 closest friends who does not have kids, only 1 of them drive trucks.

There there is this principle to consider also....

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