Lost without phone

by Lisa

I have been married to a truck driver for 10 years. We've been together since before he started driving trucks 14 years ago. Two years ago, he became an owner operator.
It has been tough to say the least. When things are good, I feel as if I have the best of both worlds. I am single through the week and married on the weekends.
When things are bad, I think why do I put up with this??? Some weeks when he is miserable, I wait all week for him to come home and then I wait all weekend for him to go back! We do not have children, just the furkids--dogs.
Since he has become an owner operator, if he isn't in the truck working, he is under it doing repairs.
I've gotten used to the independence needed to be a truck driver's wife, but sometimes, I would like some attention too.
My biggest question is this, How are you couples dealing with the new laws banning cell phone use while driving? My husband stopped using his phone while driving, at least that is what he is telling me. If that is the case, I think it is great! I was always scared when he was talking and driving, especially texting and driving. But he is not calling or texting at all. He leaves Sunday and is always home by Friday. This week, I got three texts. He is not ever there when I need to talk. I just want to know how his day is going. I want him to want to know how mine is going. For a while, he said all I did was bitch on the phone, so that is why he quit calling home.
He just started hauling for a new company this week. I really thought things would be different without the stress and drama from the last company. I realize he is busy working and learning the ropes, but I thought maybe I would be of some interest during his day.
Of course, the longer this goes on, the more my mind starts to wonder, If he's not calling me, who is he talking to? or worse?
When this man is home on the weekends, even though he does not have time to do anything with me, he seems very interested. My friends think he is a prince. And while he can be, I feel like I am outta sight, outta mind, through the week.
So what I really want to know is how are other truck driving couples coping with the new cell phone bans?

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Mar 15, 2010
Hey girl
by: Jennifer S

use a blue tooth, there is no reason to not talk. As long as it is not distracting to the driver.

I can tell you now, I wont go with out hearing from him! That would drive me insane.

Lisa, have you joined our facebook?


Mar 14, 2010
by: andy

wel the cell phones use is for safetyall vehicles should be against the law to text while driveing you and your husband need to take time out for each other thers is nothing any worse for a man than a b--- woman try to go with hubby this might help god bless

Mar 14, 2010
by: andy

wel the cell phones use is for safetyall vehicles should be against the law to text while driveing you and your husband need to take time out for each other thers is nothing any worse for a man than a b--- woman try to go with hubby this might help god bless

Mar 14, 2010
by: andy

wel the cell phones use is for safetyall vehicles should be against the law to text while driveing you and your husband need to take time out for each other thers is nothing any worse for a man than a b--- woman try to go with hubby this might help god bless

Mar 14, 2010
Are you For Real?
by: Anonymous

Yikes how comforting to know that truckers text????? while driving........ are you crazy???

Mar 14, 2010
Don't worry
by: Melissa

I agree with the other post, you should still talk to your husband. The cell phone ban on truckers is stupid. Sometime phone calls are the only link home. So get your husband a good blue tooth headset and talk away. My husband uses his daily and he is a safe driver.

Mar 14, 2010
Oh come on!
by: NickV

The cell phone ban is just another law they passed to hand out one more ticket to truckers. He can talk all night long cause they cant see in the truck and he can talk all day long. Just cant be an idiot and roll into a weigh station chatting away and roll off a scale or somethin. Also, he can get a head set or a bluetooth and if he sees a cop, tell him to quit moving his lips for the 3 seconds it takes to pass by an officer or to even call you back in a second is what I do. This sounds like an excuse to me. Also, you can only legally run for so long, after that you have 10 hours to do whatever it is that you want for example call home. This sounds like a crock to me and I will say this. If you dont have communication, forget about it. Its not gonna work. You need to talk to him and see whats going on. I am gone for a month at a time and when its time for home time thats exactly what happens. Yall need to talk for real. Good luck to ya

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