Loading and unloading freight

by Billy
(Elberton Ga.)

I work for AutoZone and sometimes we have full trailer loads with 8 to 10 stops. At each stop when a few pelleted loads are delivered you must also take the same number of palleted cores and tote bins back to the distribution center.

A full trailer becomes harder to deal with as the stops progress because you must unload the returns to get to the freight for each stop.

Please advise if there are any technics that can be used to simplify this process.

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Feb 09, 2017
Put stuff to one side
by: Hervy

I am sure that is what you do already because I don't know how else you can make this happen.

That's how I used to do it when bringing back furniture returned to us.

Sometimes it was indeed a challenge. There were even times where there was so much that I had to take furniture off before I could unload a stop until I had unloaded enough to make room to put stuff on one side of the trailer.

If there was an excessive amount though, I just wouldn't pick up the return.

Maybe autozone could let a truck that is more empty to pick up your cores if you have not room on the truck.

Because they should coordinate the loads efficiently so it works out in a way that you can manage things.

Make sure you let them know. Don't just kill yourself doing this habitually. Maybe they don't realize what is happening.

Oct 18, 2016
by: Hervy

Find out if the dispatcher is co-ordinating the stops correctly.

Ideally, they should know when there are returns and schedule to pick them up on a truck that will come through that store when the truck is empty.

I had multiple stops as well. If there was too much stuff on the truck, I didn't pick up returns. It stayed at that store until another truck came through that was empty.

That dispatching could be just lazy and not doing that. If you inquire about it, he might change how he/she is working and do it correctly.

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