Leasing on to a carrier with our own authority

by Regional

We have our own truck, own authority and pay our own insurance.

What is a good percentage if I lease on with a company? Do they pay for my fuel, or repairs to my truck?

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Feb 17, 2019
Own authority NEW
by: Anonymous

I do not have my own trailer so would be using their flatbed trailer. What is the benefit of leasing on with a company besides the fact that I will have loads daily? I pay my own insurance as well. What percentage should I negotiate?

Feb 17, 2019
Leasing to a company with you own authority
by: Hervy

I dont know with you own authority.

I get 85% and I use their authority.

So your percetage should be better than that.

Likely you will pay for fuel. If you dont own a trailer you will likely pay a fee for using their trailer.

If you already have your authority why not just use a loadboard and get your own loads.

If you dont have a trailer you can do power only loads.

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