knew driver needs info

by sam
(jacksonville fl)

look im new trucking i just graduated from school and im going to work soon. I went with stevense at first then they gave me a hard time and took back there offer because i have a mistamener in 07 and 5 in 02 thats all good and fine but i had a susspension on my license in may of this year for a bald tire and goin 12 over and not payin the fine so i started applyin to different comp. well no luck it was eather my back ground or my susspention so i started lookin into 2nd chance trucking companies i found one and now imscared as hell from all the horrer stories i am hearing on the online searches but they r all old and i know there r stories about all comp.

so someone please let me know if u know anything about cci caralina cargo inc i just want to get some exp. someweare so i can start a good dac report so it can out weigh my past.

I have a two year old and a wife i need to take care of. I graduated school with a 98.5 and i want to become the best driver so can someone please let me know if this is a decent desision thanks and be safe out there.

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Dec 05, 2012
to connie current diver NEW
by: Wesley former driver

no im from california via ohio

Dec 03, 2012
Wesley NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey former driver Wesley. this is current driver Connie. you wouldnt be from Tennessee would you???

Dec 03, 2012
Wesley NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey former driver Wesley. this is current driver Connie. you wouldnt be from Tennessee would you???

Dec 02, 2012
New driver needs info NEW

I don't know about the company you are talking about, but I can offer you my advice from having been there. Probably half of the trucking industry has some blemish on their record and I will be willing to bet you would have a real hard time finding any driver with at least one skeleton in his closet from the past. what you want to do is put the skeletons in the closet so you can move on to make money and take care of your family the way you do that is take anything available. Don't worry about the equipment and how it looks at this point what you need is some road time, Miles and a lot of safe driving work on keeping your record clean and staying out of trouble. Take what you can get you don't have a lot of choices do that for about a year and a half to two years max. No accidents tickets be a good dependable driver on-time deliveries, you get the picture. Do that and I can almost guarantee you can write your own ticket and go just about anywhere you want to go. Good luck with that.

Dec 02, 2012
Carolina cargo NEW
by: Jimmy

This company is known for accepting ex-felons as drivers with very low pay. Junky equipment with West coast turns (team). Jimmy

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