Ken Rigsby

by Ken Rigsby
(Newnan, Georgia)

This will sound odd but I'm not a driver yet. I lost my job of 29 years and now I'm thinking about getting in the OTR driving business.

I'm a Christian, married with 5 kids. Please pray for me that the Lord will lead me. I have many mouths to feed and I'm desperate for a job.

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Jul 14, 2012
Prayers NEW
by: Anonymous

You can depend on God to always lead you in the right direction. The thing we need to do is make sure we follow that lead.

God Bless you

Mar 04, 2012
Jobless after 29 years NEW
by: Hervy


Hate to hear that story man. Your name has been lifted. You might want to have a talk with these guys too for a good Prayer and some insight about issue they are familiar with related to truckers, etc.

It may provide some comfort for you should you decide to become a driver. And of course if you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

truck stop ministries

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