Kansas driver with little experience looking for a trucking job

by Dennis
(girard, ks)

I haven't driven since Jan of 2009. I have been trying to get back into it ever since. I keep being told get at least 6 mo OTR then they might be able to bring me on.

Yes, I was also fired from that company which doesn't help either. Is there any second chances in trucking if so I am very interested. dechatfield85@yahoo.com

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Jan 12, 2012
Getting fired from a trucking company NEW
by: Hervy

Most likely you can get another job eventually.

However, you didn't say why you were fired. The worse the reason the more it will hurt your chances. I know duh right.

Your other hurdle will be experience from so long ago as you have witnessed. you make seek local manufactures and trucking companies to see if the will hire you. local Kansas trucking companies


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