
by phillip
(san antonio tx.)

I got my 1st dui in personal vehicle 2 yrs ago I am at the end of fighting cancaer Iwon and am ready to go to work ltl otr

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Oct 14, 2010
The Fight Continues
by: Hervy

Joyryder congratulations on your winning fight with cancer man.

Now the job market is in the ring! Train hard.

If you was able to slap cancer around you probably can pinch unemployment's nose and hold it until it says Uncle.

On the real, you will face a lot of funny looks with DUI that recent, but someone is in need of a driver yesterday and waiting on you to walk in the door.

To your advantage your in a large city. San Antonio has plenty of carriers there but maybe more importantly in your situation, there are also many manufacturers and distributors.

Visit companies that aren't even advertising the need for drivers and see if they are hiring. Maybe they haven't had the time or assumed someone would find their cheap posting somewhere obscure or maybe someone didn't do their job and post the opening.

Point is get to knocking on doors. The more you knock the closer you get to one that lets you in.

Also, call around with your situation, though to see what kind of feedback you get from companies.
(just in case your were waiting to be told, I like to cover the bases when I think about it)

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