Jimmy, Kingman,Az

by Jimmy
(Kingman,Az U.S.A.)

I would just add one thing. In a skid, for instance, on ice, you should de-clutch and get your drive axles free wheeling until you get control. As long as you have power to the drive axles, you won't really have control. Heard and read that many times over the years from safety people. And it makes sense when you think about it. Jimmy

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Nov 27, 2009
by: Hervy

Yep, I agree, if there is power to that axle it's going to continue to resist traction.

When you take power from it, it can self adjust the speed (hopefully) when it gets a chance to regain traction easier.

(Exception depending on how fast your going and the angle of the tractor compared to the direction of the skid but you will have to get the feel of that from driving, I don't know how to explain it to someone else)

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