Jessyca Smoke

by Jessyca Smoke
(Pensacola Florida usa)

I'm 33 years old & my wife is a long haul trucker. We met 2 years ago a week before she left so our whole relationship has been long distance.

She is away 6 to 8 weeks at a time, and only home for one week. In the 2 years we've gotten married & got a house. I work 2 jobs to help best i can but she is the majority bread winner.

We have a great time when she's home, but somewhere around week 3 of being out we always seem to take out frustration on each other becoming defensive & arguing who has it worse in this life her or me.

She says things that hurt me because she is lonely & homesick. But the routine is wearing her down, but i suggest a local job & that's not an option due to the money being so good now.

She isolates herself & i must go on here at home best i can. I want to scream i can't handle this life anymore but i promised her i would support her.

It's getting tough though.

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Nov 12, 2017
Pensacola NEW
by: Anonymous

There's local jobs in Pensacola.
Trimac Transportation has local there and probably make $60K per year.
I know a guy in Pensacola that drives for Kenan and home every day; maked $1000.00 weekly.

Nov 12, 2017
Are There Kids Involved
by: Hervy

I dont see mention of kids. If there are none have you considered driving?

Unless you hate driving.

You driving would mean more money. Get the house paud for and spend less time OTR. But if you're together i guess it wouldnt matter much.

Also if she has been driving 2 years she need to check her opportunities for companies that get her home more often with same pay. Depending on where you all live that might be available.

Dont assume it isnt out there.

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