Is pre-planning loads a good idea?

by jaba23

Hey all I'm trying to solve the question if I should do preplanning for my trucks or not. I know that some people say that Murphy's Law is always there, but I think it will help if I can get everyone set up in advance and secure Rates that meet (or come close) our overall goals.

What do you think are the main issues in Load Planning? I believe that the three most important problems are:

1) Obviously, something can happen and screw everything you plan

2) That when your using Load Boards to plan, you only see a picture of the loads at that exact moment you're trying to book a load. This is a problem because I don't know if what I see is the best I can get.

For example, if I'm searching in a LoadBoard and can't find anything great, I don't know if I wait, something better is going to appear. You have to decide with the options you got in that moment.

3) There are not enough loads in the future posts in this LoadBoards. Loads tend to appear like 24 - 48 hrs before they need to be picked up.

It would be great to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks!

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