Is it true that truckers are paid by the mile?

by Nina Lewis

Is it true that a trucker can be paid by the miles?

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Dec 18, 2022
How Truckers Are Paid
by: Hervy

Most truckers are paid by the mile. However, some are paid by the trip or percentage of the load.

If you will be running a lot of regional and local loads, they should pay more than the longer loads.

If you are paid by percentage of by the load, your pay will likely be pretty good for shorter runs over longer run.

Jul 27, 2019
Truckers Get Paid in Various Ways
by: Hervy

It is true that most truckers are paid by the mile. But there's more to know about how trucker's are paid here.

how truckers get paid

Apr 10, 2018
You are correct
by: Jimmy

Yes almost all truck co's pay the driver by the mile. That's because the co's don't want to have to pay for delays like weather or breakdowns.

Also, mileage is usually figured by a computer program so the driver is shorted about 5-7 % of actual mileage driven.

FYI, drivers do a lot of "free" duties such as hooking/unhooking trailers, fueling, paperwork, waiting to get loaded etc. Jimmy

Apr 10, 2018
Cents per mile.
by: Anonymous

Yes, but there's other pays on top of that to really jack the paychecks up.

Apr 09, 2018
by: Anonymous


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