If you fail a drug test when applying for a job will they report you

by frank william

if u never work for a company don't have a cdl but fail a drug test for a company can they report you to doc

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Aug 05, 2014
huh NEW
by: Anonymous

what kind of job???

Aug 02, 2014
hair follicle NEW
by: Anonymous

Would that be a hair follicle or just a pee test?

Aug 02, 2014
hair follicle NEW
by: Anonymous

Would that be a hair follicle or just a pee test?

Mar 08, 2014
If you fail a drug test when applying for a job NEW
by: trucker yitz

one doesnt fail a drug test if they dont use or werent exposed to drugs.

but why take the test, if one knows they use drugs?

why even bother to waste the time to go to the company or apply till one is clean.

and clean is 90+ days.

Feb 26, 2014
yep NEW
by: Anonymous

This failed test may go on your dac report since it was a test regarding to truck driving and it will follow you on your own personal employment record.

forget about driving for at least 5 years...no one will hire you.

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