I want to live just like anyone else (refuse to let my past hold me back)

by Arthur Smith

I am an ex felon. My felonies will be 10yrs old on March 12th 2012. I will be enrolling into United Truck Driving school at that time only if I can come up with a company/companies that will say they are willing to work with me after graduation.

Please help.

I will be paying my on fees of $1,500 at the start of my class and a total of almost $5,000 over a period of time. I just need a company/companies to give me a chance.

Thank you to all those who care and those who have felonies who are trying to make a difference in their lives and those around them.

God bless and keep us safe.


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Feb 21, 2012
dfromga NEW
by: dfromga

I work for paschall truck lines as a lease purchase owner operator that's what I found but I love I make money some weeks I don't because of I go home and take a few days but I'm crossing around 1400 a week when I'm running but I do lose when I go home so lease purchase not for everyone bit if u like to give it try just ask me and I CA. Teach u they will give felons a chance a ptl so I can say that

Feb 21, 2012
i have a felony thats 10 yrs old NEW
by: Anonymous


i have a felony thats 10 years old,and im going to school to get my cdl i go to AIT.they found a company that will hire me its prime trucking there are more out there dont give up i almost did

Nov 18, 2011
anything possible NEW

if you have a technical college were you live finacial aid may pay for you to go to school for ur cdls dont let them stop u some companys will work with u if everthing else clean the more negative the worse like sayin if u had a felony but also had tickets and dui it would be extremely hard but if u only got a felony just apply apply apply and ull get somethin i know 2 noconvicted felons on my record and 3 misdameanors on my record plus i got a ticket and 1 preventable but i got drivin experience also but i put that out there to let u know its hard at times but outta million compans somebod gone say yes and if u get into any accidents try for atleast a year afterwards with no accidents i wish somebody woulda told me all of this before i started always protect that cdl and that dac report a bad dac can stop u in the tracks be safe peace 18 wheels rollin

Oct 15, 2011
I want to live just like anyone else (refuse to let my past hold me back)
by: Anonymous

Good luck!

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