I have my Class A CDL permit and Medical Certificate but need the rest of the required training to obtain my CDL license. Are there any truck drivers willing to help me with this?

by Steven Falk
(Ocala, FL)

I'll work for the training. I live in Ocala, FL

Comments for I have my Class A CDL permit and Medical Certificate but need the rest of the required training to obtain my CDL license. Are there any truck drivers willing to help me with this?

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Feb 17, 2017
Contract Freighters Inc. NEW
by: Anonymous

Contract Freighters Inc. will pay for private cdl school. It's really difficult to get a cdl-A job without formal training.

Feb 17, 2017
Truck driver NEW
by: Frank

I need to borrow someone truck to pass a test ,anybody doing to help? About March 32017

Feb 07, 2017
Passing the Pre-trip inspection
by: Anonymous

Good luck finding someone to help.
Before the Florida DMV will road test you, you must pass the 150 point pre-trip inspection. You must touch each item on the truck/trailer, name the part, describe what you are looking for such as leaking,broken,bent,missing, etc.

Every time you say a part wrong or anything, you lose points on the pre-trip test. For example, saying "air pressure guage" instead of "air pressure indicator" or saying "air line" instead of "air hose."

Before you hire a driver to help you, study YouTube videos on "pre-trip inspections" and memorize as much as you can.

It's tough now; not easy like the old days.

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