I got DOT Inspected again today April 09

by Hervy
(Jackson, Ms)

Got Level 2 DOT inspection at the Alabama westbound scales. There was a tire on the trailer that I should have noticed this morning when I pre tripped which was below the specs. That's what rushing will get cha.

They pulled me around into the lot and checked out everything, log bog, registrations, lights, air, etc.
Every was good except for that tire. Got a warning on the tire.

The officers at that scale were real cool. Could have written me a real ticket for the tire. So remember take your time and look things over, you might not be so lucky as I was to get a warning.

By the way, South Carolina scales were doing that deal too! (for you new drivers that means they were open and doing inspections also.

Well got to get some sleep to head to El Dorado Ar tomorrow.

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Apr 10, 2009
Hervy gets the welcome mat.
by: Jimmy

Yeah, you never know when you will get pulled in. For anyone reading this, all trucking companies are in a data base with past performance ratings. If your company gets a lot of write-ups, it's in the data base and you will be "chosen" for an inspection more often as opposed to a company that has minimal write-ups.

Also, DOT inspectors look for telltale warning signs, such as a cluttered dashboard, dirty truck, half ass mud flaps, low hanging air lines on the trailer, not working clearance lamps etc.

Also, do not enter the scale off ramp/and or cross the scale going too fast. If it's a WIM (weigh in Motion) just do the posted speed. Pre-pass helps, but is not a guarantee to get you through.

Whenever you stop, update your log. AND, BE COURTEOUS. Jimmy

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