I feel so sad. Does it get easier?

My husband just finished his training and was home for two nights. He just left again and will be home in five sleeps (how we count).

I don't really know what I want except someone to tell me that uncontrollably sobbing is normal. I feel like my heart is broken. This is a good opportunity for us and we have an excellent relationship thus far.

I'm so scared that this will change us. That I won't be able to do it. It is so sad to watch him say goodbye to the kids the dogs and then me.

I feel so sad. We have been together over fifteen years and I love him more than anything. Is this enough?? Does it get easier?

If it does is it because you care less?? Or you are numb??? No one understands here they just say it will be okay.

Thought maybe people that are actually doing it would help or have more advice. Thanks.

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Jan 28, 2013
Just going to work NEW
by: Anonymous

Did u always cry when he went to work before?? Its all in your mind. Focus on the fact that he "just went to work n will be home soon". If u stay in debbie downer mood all the time it will deatroy ur relationship and hurt ur children. Stay upbeat and just eremind urself, "he'll be home as soon as hes done. After all, he's just gone to work."

Jan 28, 2013
It's not an easy life... NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm sorry you're experiencing such heartbreak and sadness; I completely understand where you're coming from. For me, it seems each time we say goodbye it's different.

When he first started driving, it felt like my heart was being ripped out each time he left. It still makes me sad to see him go, but the tears aren't as overwhelming now. Have I somehow learned to numb my feelings? Am I getting more used to the routine? I wish I could give you the "secret" of being a happy trucker's wife, but unfortunately I can't because I'm still figuring it out myself. In my case, I think the change in his schedule is helping a bit. He's gone from a 7/3 schedule to 4/3 which doesn't feel as daunting. I know some OTR drivers who are out for 14 days which would be a deal-breaker for me and my husband is aware of that.

I do agree with the other person who posted in that we are what we think...and you have to stay positive especially for your kids. It's okay to have quiet "Mommy" moments where you have a good cry, but don't let it take over your life. Stay busy, stay strong, love your kids, love your husband, and most of all love yourself. Open, honest communication is key in every aspect.

Take care!


Jan 28, 2013
15 years NEW
by: Anonymous

you have made it this far....we are what we think....negative thinking will give negative results...its up to you to make it work...for some it turns out bad and for some life keeps on going...you are the only who controls your destiny...try not to think so much and just do...

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