I am located in Baltimore Maryland

by Junius
(Baltimore Maryland)

Hello My name is JuniusI have recently been hired by universal to do intermodal as a owner operator/sub contractor . A military friend of my was going to sub lease me his truck,or sub contract. He called who ever he financed it through to tell them what he was doing.They told him it was not in his contract. He called to speak with me about the situation .He had talks with the higher ups on the company . The last person he talked to ran it pass the head man of the Fiance company .He is now wItin g for a final answer .hat has been since this past thur .He told the finance company that since he will be getting surgery and won't be able to work ,this is the only option he has to pay his payment.He went on to say if not ?they can come get the truck.They told him , there are not in the business of taking trucks from drivers.So he awaits a final answer.So I have been looking around trying to lease a truck, or see of some one else is interested of subcontracting out their truck.O do not want yo miss out on this opportunity to work for this company . If you are able to help , or generate some leads ,please contact me.

I am Junius Sanders from Baltimore Maryland
I can be reached at area code 410-504-7062
My E -mail address is junsand76@hotmail.com
Look forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you for you time.

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