How to find job stability at trucking company

Hi there, I need advice,

I have a good friend who just can't seem to get job stability, most recently he was hired and then dismissed because the company decided to relocate their business, he didn't pass probation at another company for not being able to reverse a b-train (I think), another company said they had lost a contract, and didn't need him (and then re-advsertised), all this just in the last 6 months.

I know he's asked for feedback and they have all said his driving skills were fine but something doesn't feel quite right, would love to get to the bottom of it - any hunches?, clues?

All he wants to do is have job stability and learn so he can improve moving forward...


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Nov 02, 2017
Owner operator NEW
by: Anonymous

Good afternoon! I am working for Precise Transportation Inc. My duties include the delivery of loads. Partial employment is possible in the company, which is very convenient. I can choose when to work and what loads to take. The working conditions are excellent, you are talking to only one dispatcher , you do not need to remind the new one dispatcher about you and your truck again and again. Plus the payment is every week!
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Jul 04, 2017
Missing elements
by: Hervy

There is something missing from the story or he is picking the wrong trucking companies. Why didn't he pass probation at that one company?

In any case, tell him to keep trying but first read these two pages.

Make sure he goes with a solid trucking company not just anyone that will hire him.

This page is about choosing a good trucking company
Choosing a good trucking company

This page is about being the type of truck driver that a good trucking company wants to keep.
What a trucking company wants in a truck driver

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