How is this helping

by Kyle Bartholomew
(San Marcos, TX USA)

How is this helping? Ok yes for new drivers and insight ok, but don't see anything on how it is bettering the truckers world.

You can't help new drivers if you can't even fix the problems we have now. Trucks idling when not needed, drivers falling asleep, insurance companies running the truckers world with telling companies what they can and can't do, drivers not having common courtesy and respect for others, mechanics not knowing how to fix our trucks, but there certified lol ya ok, big shops kenworth, freightliner, volvo, international doesn't matter they can't keep up with the demand.

But newer is better not some ways maybe but not much. Then theres the huge corperations that lead our industry or are suppose to but yet they bow out and cower as much as others by not getting generators or other things to help our world with pollution and trying to better the future.

I could go on and onn but the question is are you real.

Do you really want to better our future can you handle the responseability and if not direct people like me the right road to go down.

I love my job as a trucker have been for 13 years and will staying on but this is a call for help and change in our industry something fierce new drivers great but we need to better our industry somehow someway soon or we will all be screwed one way or another.

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Jan 18, 2012
You left a message that the world is reading your thought
by: Hervy

Hello Kyle,

To start you just voiced your thoughts, opinion and ideas about problems and issues in the industry to an audience that I and the visitor/contributors created with this website.

That is helping right there.

As far as the issues you mentioned, many I have already talked about also on the website. I asked for suggestions there,I don't think I saw yours. I will move your post to this page.
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