Houston Truck Parking Lot?

by Will


I'm considering opening a parking lot for 18-wheelers in northwest Houston, as I see lots of trucks parked along the streets where they don't belong all the time. Can any of you explain where you truckers normally park your vehicles, and would there be any interest in a parking facility in northwest Houston? If so, what features would you like to see?



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Nov 22, 2015
3 days 4 nights NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm mostly interested in my home time off secure parking. Like the rest, reasonable pricing, hard surface, lighted lot. Location easy for my wife to get to and from (most important). Cyfair area. Monthly space lease or day.

Jul 27, 2015
Partner?? NEW
by: Scott

Hard surface Secure gated lighted - - for the high cost of parking in so many lots it would seem to be a winner to locate a 6-10 acre plot with a note around $100 - - Ant thoughts ?? sdfreeman11@gmail.com

Jun 20, 2015
Animaties NEW
by: Anonymous

For your consideration:
It depends on how large the parking lot would be.
Will there be some sort of eating establishment example: a diner, multiple stall restrooms. Can the lot be fenced in and a 24 hr manned security booth at entrance & exit? You could charge a reasonable fee for up to 8-10 hrs of rest time otherwise free for first 2 hrs. How far are the regular truck stops from the lot will make a big difference because most stops start filling up around 4pm.

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