He says he is a womenizer and cheater because he is lonely

Some men like my ex husband give a bad reputation to the truck drivers. Like my title said he is a womenizer and a cheater, but he said its because he is lonely.

For me that is a &!#&* you know what I mean. My question is that is true or that is a poor excuse?.

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Feb 03, 2017
Is being lonely an excuse for being a cheater
by: Hervy

First of all if he was lonely and married then he should have been talking to you about it and you two should have talked about ways to change that or seeking council if you couldn't figure it out.

Many lonely truckers and wives don't do their partner that way. Many truckers and wives have been lonely and figured out how to remain a couple with a strong bond to each other.

You have to have...

Proper perspective

and a goal to keep the relationships together. (Among other traits...)

I think many couples might not take seriously how much effort it really takes to make sure the relationships is taken care of. It's almost like handling a business. Keeping a relationship strong takes management skills and life skills or it will likely to be damaged by temptation, stinking thinking and poor choices.

I probably said more than you wanted to hear. The simple answer to your question is....

Being lonely is not justification for cheating and has nothing to do with being a womanizer. I am sure he was that before being a trucker on the road.

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