He is always tired

by sharon
(Phoenix Arizona )

Hes always tired not in the mood for sex or pretty much nothing i thought it was me.

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Feb 02, 2015
70 hours NEW
by: Anonymous

In 8 days. will do that. of course helps

Feb 02, 2015
Always tired and/or never in the mood
by: Hervy

Sharon I would first start with his diet. Does he get proper nutrition?

If not, it could be a factor.

Next, is he happy with job?

If not, it could be a factor. Especially if he is the type to focus on what he dislikes or perceive as a problem instead of what is good or going right about things (life, relationships, or more specific incidence).

Next, does he actually get adequate rest while on the road?

Driving isn't the only thing that could keep him from sleeping. If he stays up watching television, playing video games, etc and waits until he gets home to actually rests it could be a factor.

Finally, have you or him changed in appearance since when things were different. If he has gained weight and is self conscious about it, he may not want to engage. If you have gain weight or let yourself go he may also lose interest.

So the ways to address either of these issues are to find ways to eliminate or work on eliminating the issues that could work against you.

I am assuming you have already had a conversation about this issue. If not, it may be the best place to start.

Don't bring it up as a problem that he has or that you have with him/relationship.

Bring it up in a more relaxed way about spicing up (or preserving) the relationship. You could introduce a book about relationships. (Go to google or amazon and find something about spicing up relationships).

What things improve them and what can tear them down. Assuming that both of you care about the relationship and want it to last, there is likely a way that you can introduce tools to improve and address issues that way.

Pointing the finger will not help. A book (traditional or audio book) with ideas or a 3rd person making suggestions is usually more effective unless both people are good communicators and listeners.

Hope this helps

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