Getting out of the truck

by Hervy
(Atlanta Ga for the moment)

Truckstop in Albany New York

Truckstop in Albany New York

I get in moods. I don't get out of the truck enough.

Yous guys know what I do most of the time my truck is not moving, I am doing it right now, working on the site.
Glad my laptop is fixed.

I could take the laptop inside, in fact it would be a great time to talk about the site while I am working on it. But I get side tracked easily, I would feel nonproductive at the end of the night from not getting enough done.

I don't supposed to be answering this question right now, i supposed to be working on something so I can go to sleep. Am i sleep right now?

I have to work on that!

I need to 5 laps around the parking lot, 50 push ups and then work on the website sitting on my hood and interview every driver that comes by.

Am I rambling? I think I will go to sleep now.

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Jan 10, 2009
gettin' out of the truck
by: Jimmy

Yes, get out of the truck as needed. You will feel much better with a quick 5 minute break and you can do a walk around also. I know, it's a pain to have to get rolling again, but try my system and you'll see what I mean. At the end of the day when you're all settled in at that Loves, take a stroll around and you know you want to go in the 'C' store and grab a munchy, right? You can even impress that little lady behind the counter with a tall tale. Tell her about how you can haul more loads than anyone, drink more beer and dazzle the waitresses everywhere you go. Why heck, you can even run Fresno to Atlanta in 34 hours solo! You're the man! You'll have a new admirer.......Jimmy

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