Getting My Truck Ready for First Trip

by The Crazy Trucker
(North Carolina)

Putting a Mattress in My Truck

Putting a Mattress in My Truck

In this video about life as an owner operator I am preparing my 06 Freightliner Columbia for it's first trip going to Manassas Va.

As an owner operator you will see how important it is to do pre-trips, leave early and have a positive outlook on life.

With an older truck you can almost guarantee tbat there will be some service issues you will need to address.

So far I've had to regroove and replace tires, air compressor, air lines, shocks, leveli g valve, baterries, wiper motor kit, air bags, clutch brake and other less important parts.

But you have to keep your eyes on the prize. Your objective is long term success not overnight profits. So dont be surprised at temporary set backs. Be mentally and financially prepared.

These issues once fixed should give me no more problems. Soon will be in the black!

Also, this is an awesome mattress for less than $200 if you need a mattress for a new truck. Eight inch memory foam which was very comfortable for me at 205lbs at 6'1".

You can get it here on Amazon or you might find it at your local Walmart.
Memory Foam Mattress

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