getting experience after CDL training

by Sara
(Antrim, N.H. USA)

Im confused. say's u need to b driving a year after graduating from cdl. ok how and were can u get to drive a year to get it under ur belt.?Thanks Sara

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Dec 07, 2009
CDL- Schools- Jobs.
by: Sara

hey guy's thank's for the info. still doing searching. ur web site i totally enjoy. b safe out there. thank's again Sara.

Dec 07, 2009
CDL- Schools- Jobs.
by: Sara

hey guy's thank's for the info. still doing searching. ur web site i totally enjoy. b safe out there. thank's again Sara.

Dec 07, 2009
by: Sara

NOT IN school yet. goin to see NETTS, In Andover Mass this week too hear them out. I live rite on Rt9 in N.H. and have family in Ct. So i have had my share of driving that route. just not w/a big truck. How bout teaming up w/someone the first year?What's ur thought on that?thanks for your in-put. much appreciated, Sara

Dec 07, 2009
by: Sara

NOT IN school yet. goin to see NETTS, In Andover Mass this week too hear them out. I live rite on Rt9 in N.H. and have family in Ct. So i have had my share of driving that route. just not w/a big truck. How bout teaming up w/someone the first year?What's ur thought on that?thanks for your in-put. much appreciated, Sara

Dec 07, 2009
Trucking exerience for new CDL holders
by: Hervy

Hello Sara,

Well Nick there is not much to clean up you did a great job breaking it down.

I agree Sara, like Nick said the most common way to get that year in is with one of the big companies that you might hear the most complaints about. Relax, that's only natural with size in most organizations.

Nick is also right that after your year the gates will open (man you cracked me up at that paragraph)
you will indeed have many more choices if you take care of your record and work history.

Well, there no need for me to repeat Nick entire post. LOL. Just want to highlight those 2 things.

Good luck,

Dec 06, 2009
1 year problems
by: Nick V.

Well...this was a big problem for me also. So heres my spin on things and the pros can throw in their two cents which will probably be more accurate. Big problem here is these companies that want one year of experience dont have training programs. Well they may but they are much shorter. What it all comes down to is insurance probabilities. You cant just trust a newbie behind the wheel of a 60,000 dollar rig that is coincidently called a rolling torpedo around the roads of this great nation. Its a huge responsibility to drive a rig on the road with all these crazy people out there. Insurance companies want to make sure you have the skills and the know how to maneuver one of these suckers around before they put their name on the line. It will be impossible, unless you know someone, to get in with one of these mom and pop companies. You need to look at the BIG carriers. Swift, Covanant, CRST, CREngland, TMC, just to name a few. All these companies have training programs where they will put you through the ropes and then send you out with a trainer for x amount of days, weeks, months to train you to be what needs to be behind the wheel of one of these bad boys. Not speaking from experience, but I have heard after 1 year the doors open and the angels sing and you can go wherever you would like to go. Just be careful out there, take your time, and most of all keep your nose clean and you can pick and choose where to go. Also, dont know if you have your CDL but if not alot of these companies also have the whole sha bang where you can go to their school and finance your money through their company. Be careful though, they will have you sign a contract that says you will stay with them til your balance is paid. You split early and try to put them on your next application, they get a call from the employer, and they will say something along the lines of..."Sara who, never heard of her, never worked here." Yeah scandelous but thats the way the cookie crumbles in this industry. SO, look at bigger companies. Its a high insurance risk for you to drive without experience. Big companies have the money to pay for it, small ones wont put their neck on the line. Hope this helps, Hervy or Jimmy will come behind me and clean this up a little for me but I think my advice is pretty accurate.

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