Getting Back into Trucking After Years Off

by Randy Joseph Slack
(Wamego, Kansas)

Getting back into trucking after years away

Getting back into trucking after years away

I've been out of the trucking industry after 10+years of otr. It's been 3 years, and I have no recent experience. I'm looking to get back to otr, how can I do that?

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Jan 28, 2024
How to Get Back Into Trucking After Years Off
by: Hervy

The old timers who believe once you learn how to drive, you are qualified, might give you a chance Randy.

To find those, you might someone will hit you up but you can also visit your local diesel mechanic shops and ask around about owner operators.

If there is a truck stop near you, or a fuel stop you can leave a flyer about your interest in trucking.

What I did was cold called trucking companies local to me. One of those companies, I really liked because they did household as well.

That particular company was one I turned in an application, and not only called every other week but visited twice. It was the 2nd visit in which i caught the owner leaving out to go on lunch.

He said if I had time, he would interview me on the way to get lunch. lol, he just went to fast food and came back. But by the time we got back I had a job.

Aside from that, you might be able to take a refresher course. Averitt and some others have that.

For most of the other companies, no way they are going to put you behind the wheel of a truck without some retraining. So as long as you don't have a problem with going through the motions of riding with a trainer to prove yourself, you likely can find a trucking job.

For a lot of companies though, they might want you complete truck driver training as if you were new.

Start with googling all of your local truck companies and give them your spill. Sell yourself about why they would benefit from giving you a shot.

Don't think just because you drove for 10 years 3 years ago, they'll be excited to hear from you. Make sure you're ready to sell yourself. Why you over the other 10 people who's going to call them?

Best of luck, they are waiting on you to call buddy!

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