Fresh approach to trucking

by Ed Jones
(Essex, MA)

Hi Hervy,

Just wanted you to know that I have appreciated your fresh approach to trucking. I have listened to a few hours of your videos and never heard a single profane word. So, I decided to check out your web-site and low and behold, what I already knew to be true was confirmed in your link to prayer.

I just finished my CDLA training and waiting for my road test. I was blessed to already find a job with a smaller company that puts faith in Christ in their "benefits" section of the company offerings along with health, dental, life, etc.. How about that?

A company that cares enough for it's employees to offer guidance!

Hit me up at any time with whatever you need, brother.

In Christ,

Ed Jones

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May 01, 2016
Still lots of good trucking companies out there
by: Hervy

Thanks a lot for that feedback Ed. I appreciate it. I am definitely trying not only to help people figure out if they are compatible for trucking but also help the general public who comes thru see that not all truckers are vulgar and unpleasant to talk to.

I feel like if we are viewed differently (in a more positive light) it will go a long way toward truckers being treated differently.

Not to mention, it will help wives to be proud of husbands being truckers when the day comes that their friends doesn't have negative things to say about drivers.

Having said that, that mean a lot of drivers has to change their own attitude in order for the general public to have a new idea of who truckers are. With more people like you coming on out, things will get better 1 driver at a time!

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