Fiance of a Grain Hauler

Well, my man friend is a hauler, and we have had several conversations about what he does, and it seemed very uninteresting to me.

Until today, I had taken things a little lightly. This site is very informative, and I appreciate what he does more now. He makes a viable contribution to the agriculture industry.

Thanks Rammy baby for doing what you do!

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Nov 15, 2013
Serving NEW
by: Hervy

We certainly appreciate your honesty, feedback and for sharing. We especially appreciate that you are open to being informed.

It is the trucker wives and girlfriends like you who will allow the truth to sink in who will stand behind the driver and make him feel good about what he does to make a living.

It is important not only to him, it affects the relationship, that his woman thinks highly of what he does.

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