Female Trucking School Graduate

by Marie

I just graduated from trucking school ( 90% average) and I am very frustrated! I still don't have my CDL after several attempts. Should I just give up on this?

I am the only one in my class who has not passed the the test and it is taking it's toll on me.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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May 12, 2015
Backing NEW
by: SciTechSuperFreak

Go to your nearest truckstop at around 5pm with a clipboard, walk around, observe and take notes. You will realize that every driver backs a little different but the key is where those tandems are.

To back effectively, you need to push your tandems into the hole. That means you have to aim them about 1 foot from the bumper to the next semi on your left.

Observe 100 drivers. Observe where their tandems are. Observe how they switchback. Observe how they back with tandems all the way back compared to tandems forward. The more you observe and compare, the more you will understand the dynamics of backing a semi.

After you observed 100 backings, put a hitch on your personal vehicle, go borrow 4 cones the biggest trailer your car can tow and go to your local walmart at midnight and back into those cones 100 times.

THEN... take your test. If you quit before you do this, you just aren't working hard enough.

Jan 25, 2014
Female trucking school graduate NEW
by: Marie

Thanks for your comments. I pass the pre trip, brake checks, and air down / recovery perfectly every time. I always pass the straight line backing but sometimes I screw up on either the off set or the 90 backing. It interchanges each time I test. I have failed 5 times now and I am begining to think doing this a 6 th time will not be pointless per pattern. I am just frustrated.

Jan 20, 2014
That elusive little credential….. NEW
by: Jimmy

Hi, Marie. So, you graduated from school, but still no CDL. OK, what part of the test are you failing ? Written or driving ? If it's driving, what part ? A skills test or the road test ? And if it's the road test, what part ?

You don't come across as a quitter to me. So, my dear lady, take a deep breath and pause, and continue on. I wish you were one of my students. You would pass…..guaranteed. Jimmy

Jan 18, 2014
when I was in class NEW
by: Anonymous

There was a dude, he never was in our class for book learning always driving.

come to find out he was in his third month at the class he still had not passed. he finally did pass with our graduating class.

dont give up.

Jan 18, 2014
keep up the good work NEW
by: Anonymous

try to figure out what your learning style is....a lot of people are just not good test takers....one of them is me! lol...so what I use to do while studying for a test was eliminate the items I easily remember and write down all the hard to remember items on paper and study that portion of items thoroughly one hour before the test...wal-la I became an A student and now have a 3.725 GPA..

Dont give up and especially on self!! good luck!

Jan 18, 2014
Don't do it NEW
by: Hervy

No Marie, don't give up.

I am pretty sure that each time you get a little bit better right?

This is proof that eventually you will pass. It takes some longer than others. Don't let it stress you and don't let the stares or comments of others stress you.

It just lets you know that others who are commenting negatively would have stopped a long time ago.

Don't be like them. You will successfully get your CDL as long as you don't stop trying.

Stay in touch!

Let us know how good you feel when the Class A's are in your hand!

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