Felony 2 On my record

by Chuck
(Trafford Pa)

Hello my name is chuck and i seen your life as a trucker video about calling trucking places. I have a f2 on my record it is statutory sexual asssault it is 10 years old and I've been trying to get a cdl for like 5 years now.

It is very hard for me. I'm trying to support my family and it is so hard to find a job where they don't discriminate against me. So here is my question to you, how do I get into a school with this felony? I have no cdl but have drove big trucks before at previous jobs.

Driving is not a problem for me. The problem is the record. So if you can let me know what you suggest for me to do.

Thanks for your time. Keep on truckin!!

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Jan 10, 2017
Felony 2 and a job. NEW
by: Anonymous

I realize this thread is old, but maybe it can still help others.
Felons can get free cdl training through the WIOA Program in their state. The unemployment office can help with this.
The program requires you get a couple of pre-hires from trucking companies before they approve cdl school.
Carolina Cargo and PI&I Motor Express will give pre-hire letters to felons in this case. To get the pre-hire letter, simply submit the online application on the trucking companies website. Check the block that has "Student." You will be hired contigent upon successfully completing cdl school. Give this pre-hire to WIOA.

Aug 10, 2012
Are you kidding me NEW
by: Anonymous

Sexual assualt!!! you should be on a hit list not a wait list!! I sure hope to God that NO trucking company ever hires you!! I surely don't want you riding around from state to state with a frkin sexual assualt jacket!! You will never get hired by a truck company with that type of charge. Now go get a job in the sewers where you belong! Because that will be able to support that moron person who married you!! Moron

Mar 06, 2011
Felony and future
by: Hervy

Hey Chuck.

You do have elapse time on your side with a 10 year old offense.

I don't know if you would have many problems getting into trucking school, unless your talking about getting a company to pay for it.

However, going that route might be the best for you so you know that you will get hired after wards and not spend a lot of time looking after getting your CDL.

My advice is to just keep calling around.Good luck. Also look at the advice I gave Jose who is facing similar obstacles.

Read what I told hose to try

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