felon drivers needs to drive birds fly with wings people breath air

over10 years dwi non comercial. over 9 years 2felony. companies take my breath.class .a. valid held 15 years. 5years exp o.t.r ,..

i will say when i was i was good .. i believe that nobody should go throu that. if i could be the 1 to help another felon under my decision driving again i will..and all felon.. can a differance be made i want to .,that whats wrong now we do our time and forget where we been.

insurance cost more good for the sake of experience. help for another is abandoned .we need leaders to stand against this struggle gov,federal,law,to help /so we can stand and have our rights as humans our own truck driving training programs ,tougher and harder and group decision of hiring or denial. rehabilatation if possible. training for other degrees also. then driving,,.

if you are reading this you might could perfect something do not passs the chance do what you might enjoy try it please for yourself...it hasnt for me...but it can for you...

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Feb 03, 2011
Unfair System but it is what we have to work with
by: american trucker

Yes if i understand you correctly this is not a o'so fair system.it is very hard for felons to find good job in driving.If your Lazy about it.

You need to get make a name for yourself,do volunteer work help others in out reach programs.When filling out apps,list these good deeds.You will start getting attention of quality companies.

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