F ing idiots - I'm done with this

by Dman

I've been driving for 1 yr. and I just have a few things to say about trucking. First and formost, why are all truck drivers uneducated butthole pricks.

I'm sorry if you were brought up in a broken home and never knew your daddy or you dropped out if school at 13 to follow your dream of being a pro fisherman, but just because that didn't work out for you doesn't give you the right to be a prick to the rest of society.

I'm so sick of all your stories of how awesome a driver you are and how your daddy's daddy's daddy invented backing and used to drive for president Eisenhower in Germany during the war of 1812.

I'm the guy that smiles and nods and maybe interjects a response while you babble away on how amazing you are but know this, as soon as you walk away because your load of chicken shit just came in that you have to drive thru South America while dodging poison blow darts from the walla walla tribe because you're the only driver on this planet brave enough to take that load,I remind myself again why morons shouldn't reproduce.

The point I'm trying to make is...You're not impressing any one except yourself dumb *#!% so shut the &%@# up nobody &^%#%^## cares.

Next on the list are shippers and receivers. Just
one thing...how hard is it to put up a damn sign that says "trucks this way" with a big arrow pointing to "this way". I know you can spell or you wouldn't be in the shipping business now would you?

Maybe you don't have the money to buy a sign? Well I think we all know that's not the problem now don't we. So I ask myself why don't you want drivers to be able to find you. Then it dawns on me...because your pathetic lives wouldn't mean shit if you didn't get to bitch out a sub-par idiot driver on a daily basis to make you feel better about your crappy job and your fat ugly wife and obese kids from 3 failed marriages.

So that puts you in the same class as the asshole trucker you are bitching out in the first place.

In conclusion. There is not enough money in the world to have to put up with the stress Ill-health butthole truckers duckhead receivers moron drivers horrible food prick dispatchers waitresses scammer mechanics dangerous road conditions Mexican lumpers stinking ass hadjis disease infested toilets noxious chemicals disgusting fumes and piss bottles just so some BMW driving trust fund rich muck can have a nice quiet homemade dinner with his trophy wife who's with the pool guy twice a week every night.

SCREW THIS JOB !!! Peace out

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Nov 24, 2015
stop crying NEW
by: Anonymous

You must have looked ONLY at the money, and NOT at what it takes to be a truckdriver. Many truckdrivers are educated, NOT morons as you have stated. There is no such thing as a "dumb" trucker.

I am what is called a generational trucker. I learned about trucking from my father. He was, in my mind, the best truckdriver I had ever seen.

So, before you knock this industry, you should have given it a real try, and not looked at the money only.

Trucking is NOT for everyone.

Nov 07, 2015
Best luck NEW
by: Anonymous

Lmao. What a fucking cry baby who can't take the real world of trucking. If can't handle all what's out on the road from drivers who been there and done it and seen it all and of older drivers who been doin since ur parents were in elementary or middle or highschool was stories actually do help to survive on the road and of listen to advice give to u by them...truck driving just wasn't meant for u..lol. Go find urself a 9 to 5 job. Sorry but trucking lifestyle isn't for everyone and u don't get what u want either

Nov 07, 2015
LOL!!!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

This is why you need a brand new Peterbilt 379...

It's the only way to deal with those other "Sub-par" morons....

That's right.

You couldn't ask for a better office view than a Peterbilt, and you are above everyone else.

Don't shit where they shit.

Don't eat where they eat.

Get your load, GTFO of town and down your own road.

It is what you make it, but first you gotta have a real truck...

My guess is you had a Cascadia? A Century? Volvo?

Nov 07, 2015
you covered trucking fairly well...hmmm... NEW
by: Anonymous

i could not of put it much better....

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