Experienced truck driver in Georgia

by R J
(NE, Georgia)

I am not sure this is the section for a person looking for employment. I am ex-offender, charged with a sex offense--having pornography involving under-aged girls on my computer. I am out of prison on parole and looking for work to help take of my family.

Fortunately, I have not lost the support and love of my family. I am retired on social security but am not ready to retire. I want to work!

I can not go back to my previous field of employment because of my charges. I got an A class CDL in 2000 and drove briefly for a large trucking company but I had too many incidents.

Forced to find other work after my arrest several years back, I again pursued driving OTR. Fortunately, I received the experience and training I didn't receive with that large trucking company that I needed to continually run the roads without any incidents or moving violations.

I drove reefer and van throughout the continental U.S. with the exception the Northwest and some of the West.

I am a safe-driver, dependable, trustworthy and I take care of the equipment I am entrusted with. I can not go OTR right now. I live in Georgia and am looking for intrastate work or day trips that having me returning home every night.

I can provide more personal information upon request.

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Dec 12, 2017
Hows it going
by: Hervy

Was wondering if you found something and if so, with who if you dont mind sharing!

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