Erwin K. Doyle Dallas Based CDL A holder. Loooking for an OTR trucking job.

by Erwin K. Doyle
(Dallas, Texas)

I was convicted of a felony in 1998, I am no longer on parole or anything. Been having my license since 2007,have no experience cause I can not get the chance to show why I obtain my license.

I just want to be able to take care of my family just like everyone else,true I've made a mistake, but now I am done with all of that and want to do what's need to be done for my family now.

So if anyone would give me the chance I want to do over the road driving don't need any home time right now need the money more. So, if any would give me the chance my number is 214-981-4023

Comments for Erwin K. Doyle Dallas Based CDL A holder. Loooking for an OTR trucking job.

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Jul 07, 2011
To Anonymous
by: Erwin K. Doyle

I've tried that countless times since I've obtain my lincense,but with out any road experience they are not giving me the chance to learn.I have filled out many applications,with the same response we are looking for someone with at least one year experience.I am still doing applications right now today hoping a company will give me the chance to show my worth to their company.So,if you know of any companies that would give me this chance I would be appreciate the information. Thank you Erwin K. Doyle

Jun 26, 2011
good news
by: Anonymous

thats over 10 years old. just pick a company. most comp. say 10 yrs. from last felony

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