drug test failure

How do you get reinstated after driving for 12 years and then failing a drug test?

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Aug 21, 2008
Qualifying for cdl after drug test failure
by: The Crazy Trucker

I hate that happened to you man.

I don't know if you can without waiting a year. You may want to check the Link at tab to the left that read "do u qualify for cdls" it goes to the fmcsa.

The easiest way though would probably be just to call
a lawyer and ask them.

Also I will build a page for legal help and put a link to TVC who provides legal help to drivers. Call TVC Pro-Driver, Inc. toll free at: 1-877-623-3533

I don't know how much they will talk do you. I can't speak to their effectiveness after things happen. But I know they are pretty good to have before things happen.

The Crazy Trucker

I been a member for years.

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