does arnold trucking and knight transportation do hair folicle drug testing?

by Victor

I need some help .. I haven't smoked weed in almost a year but I have read that the THC can stay in your hair for years. For religious reasons I can not cut my hair, so I have to wait it out. But can anyone tell me the companies that do not require hair folicle testing. I just graduated drug free (10 mths) and I need a good company to work that only does urine or blood test. Please don't judge, I have a wife and family and I stopped to provide for them, So just help me with a answer if you can.

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Jan 08, 2015
No straight answers NEW
by: Anonymous

I've read a lot of these questions about hair testing but all anyone wants to do is bring up some false old man in the sky and tell you to stay off the road when they more than likely got drunk last weekend

Apr 04, 2014
Drug testing NEW
by: Anonymous

If you are drug Free and the company had no other reason or suspicion to do hair testing, you'll have a clean urine screen with your CDL and the company must likely will only repeat the urine. If there is an accident and it's your fault, they WILL test hair and blood. The state is going to step in on that. So many people are posting about this and write frankly it scares me to think that these people will be on the road at all. I don't care what you are driving. If you take sudafed for colds, tell them. It will show up in a random drug screen. It's the main ingredient in Meth. Disclose that info or any other meds when you get the CDL.

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