Desperate Georgia dad in need of a job

by Joshua
(Columbus, GA)

MY name is Joshua Randle and I'm in need of a job. My brother was a cell tower technician and when I seen his Facebook I was like it looks like you make good money!

So I went and got trained and started following his foot steps. Unfortunately I ran into the same problems he did. The inconsistent work, the dirty hotel living and drug infested co-workers.

He changed his career to trucking and again I'm following suite because he says its great pay and the companies are respectable companies. I want to get into trucking not only for my own benefits but also to be the best dad I can be and support my children. To THE POINT!

My story is that, I do not have a CDL yet, I would like to train for one. A year and a half ago I caught a "First time misdemeanor NON COMMERCAIL DUI". I'm not some alcoholic or caused a serious crash or injury to someone. I was pulled over and read .09 in the state of GA which the limit is .08. Seriously, one point over.

Since then I completely stopped drinking and I'm really trying to focus and continue to be positive hoping someone will have a heart to help someone willing to put in the effort to work hard and gain their trust.

I'm a father of two girls and a new born baby boy.My Children is not something I'm trying to use to get pettiness, my child are my present and my future and I'm trying to do my best to be their supporter.

Please Help!

MR. Randle

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Feb 19, 2017
Did you find a job?
by: Hervy

Did you get hired yet Joshua?

Jan 20, 2017
Getting past your DUI
by: Anonymous

The state of Georgia will pay for CDL school through the WIOA Program. Google:WIOA Program Georgia
Once you're approved they will want a pre-hire letter from a trucking company before you can start school.

TransAm and Carolina Cargo will probably give you a pre-hire letter at that time.

First thing to do is get the paperwork approved.

Oct 24, 2016
Oh boy...
by: Anonymous

You seem like a really cool dude...

Unfortunately... most carriers (correction "Insurance Carriers") have a "0" Tolerance policy, truck or no truck, your Class A is with you and treated as such at ALL TIMES.

I don't have a positive answer for you. You made a serious mistake and now you will pay dearly for it.

No trucking company will touch you with a ten foot pole... at least not for 10 years ... if at all.

Insurance Carriers make the decisions for the trucking companies. You are considered a "high-risk-liability" at this time and unless you can hire a very expensive attorney and get this BS expunged from your record, you are shit out of luck bro.

Sorry man.

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