Davidson Community College Truck Driving Training Program

Davidson Community College Truck Driver Training

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One of the best values that you will find near the Greensboro NC area for getting your CDL is Davidson Community College.  For around $1200 you can get your Class A.  Plus you might qualify for financial aid.

However, you might also get Workforce to pay for your training if you are unemployed. 

Before you can go to the actual class you must attend an info session at the Mocksville Davie Campus in the Admin bldg.

Information Sessions for Fall 2016 Class:

March 8

March 29

April 19

Contact person: Rachel Smith, , Administrative Support Staff

336.751.2885 ext. 6337 or rsmith7580@davidsonccc.edu

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Goodwill Program

Goodwill CDL training

Please call for upcoming class dates and scholarship information:

Julie Roberts,Trans-Tech, Inc.,

Field Recruiter 828.464.8001

Description This 4-week program is for individuals who wish to obtain a Class A commercial driver’s license and be qualified to obtain employment as an entry-level professional driver within the transportation industry.

Time(s): 8:00am - 5:00pm Duration: 4 weeks

Location: 2701 University Parkway, Winston-Salem More Info: rwilliams@goodwillnwnc.org