Dazed and Confused II

by Ana

Hello, everyone. I shared part of my story once before , it the trouble now is I am much more confused then I was before.

I have been with my OTR boyfriend for 7 months, 5 of which he has been on the road. He has not been able to come home at all. Problem number one with us is that I bought a ticket to go visit him over Easter break and he did not tell me he was not going to be in Indiana during that time.

I feel that he should have told me when he found out. I wasted money. Our biggest problem is communication. He doesn't call me anymore or text me. When I text him he doesn't respond. I feel like he is ignoring me.

When I call him, which is usually once a week he answers most of the time. He always sounds happy to hear me. I feel bad because I know his job is hard and he is treated badly, but at the same time I want to be treated well in my relationship.

Please any advice is appreciated. Dazed and confused!

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Apr 27, 2015
by: Anonymous

Sounds to me he is using you for his needs! You also sound desperate that you will accept anything just to have a boyfriend in your life. If I were in your shoes, I would get on my running shoes & run away from him as far as I can get away from him. And to be out for 5 months away from home time, that seems a little farfetched! You deserve better & you are right that you need to be treated better. Well in order to do that, put your needs first ahead of his & leave him. This way you will no longer be emotionally hurt by him. You say this is your second posting. Well common sense should tell you what you need to do! Good luck & hope your next guy is not a self-centered loser!

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