Dating a Trucker Who Wants To Spends His Time With Friends and Family

by diann

I have been dating a truck driver for almost 3 years and he lives in another state so we rarely get time to see each other.

How can I get him to understand that even when he is home on weekends that we need to spend time together on the phone. He is so focused on spending time with his friends and family that he forgets that we need time together too.

It makes me feel rejected and I start to feel jealous like there is another woman in the picture then we fight and he pulls away and acts like I am a nuisance and a bother.

We really love each other but we are destroying a beautiful relationship.

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Dec 22, 2009
He's all mine.
by: Jimmy

Popular guy you have. He has to please a lot of people, right? His actions speak clearly, if you ask me.If he brushes you aside for other people, guess he wants to be with them more. How else can you explain it? I have a friend that has so many friends, she can't please most of them, because there is only 24 hours in a day. Yet, she continues to look for new friends, while brushing off her current friends. Wish you well, Jimmy

Dec 21, 2009
A bit of perspective
by: Jennifer

It seems you need to have a tough conversation. You might not like the outcome or it might bring you two closer but you can not live your life in limbo either.

I can understand him wanting to have the time with family and friends. After three years, have you met any of them at all? Have you visited his home?

Thats a long time to be in limbo.

I can imagine that its very convenient for him to have you to talk to on the road and visit when he comes through the area. He gets the best of that part of the relationship without any of the day to day things that add stress to any couples lives.

Only you can decide what you can live with and what you cant.

How you approach it is important. As Hervy said, try to approach it without malice or anger or accusations. Ask him where he sees you guys in the future. If he says basically staying the same then you have to decide if it is something you can live with.

If you see yourself living with him as a couple and he does not, thats an issue you have to figure out.

Value your worth. Ask for what you need. You will never get it otherwise. Just be sure that if you ask you are able to accept the answer that comes back to you.

Dec 21, 2009
Dating a Trucker
by: The Crazy Trucker

Well Diann,

I hate to see a lopsided relationship. It's nice to have a woman actually care about you and want to spend time with you.

I would hope men with this treasure would show his appreciation.

If both of you are on the same page with the relationship seems like you could have a discussion about spending the time together without it ending in drama.

I say try and talk to him again, make sure you are pleasant and not attacking him but explaining to him how much you love and want to spend time with him and that you feel neglected.

His response would really say a lot about his mindset thoughts about the relationship. If his response leaves you in doubt, ask him straight up,

where do he see you two 5 years from now.

If the response is not compatible with what you thought it would be I guess you need to figure out the next course of action based on new reality.

Hope this helped,

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