CRST hiring.

by Jimmy

Was browsing the web today, Feb 11,09 and noticed on MYFOXLA.COM a story about CRST,Cedar Rapids, Ia hiring. They had a reporter at a hiring center near the port of L.A. It was staffed by a CRST recruiter. I don't know why they were recruiting at this location, but said 20 days on and 10 days off. Previously CRST has said they run 3 man teams with this arrangement. They do have a terminal in Fontana.

FYI, CRST is an established dry freight company since 1955 and a team operation as well.

They also said no felonies within 10 years and no DUI within 3 years. So there you have it. They are hiring. You want a job, go for it. Jimmy

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Dec 17, 2009
10 days off?
by: Jimmy

Not real common. CRST advertises it, Knight use to advertise 1 week on, 1 week off. Just be aware that even though they say it, doesn't mean it will actually happen. You might get a call after 6 days pleading to go out because so and so just quit. Or you could be ready to go on day 11 and end up sitting at home a couple extra days. Be flexible. Jimmy

Dec 16, 2009
Time Off
by: Anonymous

20 days on, 10 days off? How common is this type of arrangement in the trucking industry? I've considered trucking as a second career, but the 6 weeks out, 2 days off thing doesn't appeal to me. Now, 10 days to go fishing after busting rear for 20 days, that would be more to my liking!

I would even take less money, since I'm already drawing a pension from my first career, in order to get an arrangement like that. Do very many companies offer this? I haven't really seen anything similar on any of the company sites that I've visited.

As always, this is a great site with very useful info!

Feb 12, 2009
I heard of them too
by: Anonymous

I wanted to do that,but then they said no rider policy.everything else was perfect

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